Auditor Logo Susan Montee

Report No. 2008-59
September 2008

Complete Audit Report

The following findings were included in our audit report on the City of St. Louis Department of Personnel.

The City of St. Louis Department of Personnel is responsible for providing all human resource management functions for the city's civil service employees. The city of St. Louis employs approximately 7,250 people of which 4,500 are considered civil service employees. The Director of Personnel is Richard Frank.

The Acting Director of the Department of Health was given a one time payment of $7,727 in September 2007 and the Public Information Manager of the Department of Health was given a one time payment of $6,864 in August 2007. Both payments represent approximately 10 percent of the employee’s gross income for that year. The city indicated the payments were authorized under the compensation ordinance. The city indicated that these employees performed extra duties on a temporary basis due to vacant positions; however, there was not adequate supporting documentation showing additional work.

Of the two employees that did receive payments, one’s timesheet indicated extra hours while the other's did not and one employee had a letter supporting the payment and one did not. The documentation provided does not support the one-time lump sum payments made. In addition, there could be more employees being required to fulfill additional job duties due to vacancies without additional compensation.

The Department of Personnel established a wellness program for use by city employees. The department does not have a written policy concerning the participation of employees in the wellness program, does not track the total costs of such a program, and has not performed an analysis of the costs versus the benefits of such a program.

Complete Audit Report
Missouri State Auditor's Office