Auditor Logo Susan Montee

Report No. 2008-04
January 2008

Complete Audit Report

An audit was conducted by our office of the Fifth Judicial Circuit, city of St. Joseph, Missouri Municipal Division.

The city of St. Joseph, Municipal Division has shown significant improvement since our prior audit. Most of our prior recommendations have been implemented by the court.

The Police Department and other city departments have not developed adequate procedures to account for the numerical sequence of traffic and other municipal tickets issued and processed by the court. Most departments do not track the issuance of tickets in a manner that would allow them to account for all tickets assigned to officers. While the police department, which accounts for approximately 85 percent of the tickets issued, posts all tickets issued and returned by officers to a database, the department does not have procedures in place to ensure the numerical sequence of tickets is accounted for. A log of all tickets issued, by type, is not prepared and reviewed for gaps in sequence or missing tickets.

Complete Audit Report
Missouri State Auditor's Office