Auditor Seal


Office of the State Auditor of Missouri
Claire McCaskill


September 16, 2002

Report No. 2002-91

IMPORTANT:The Missouri State Auditor is required by Missouri law to conduct audits only once every four years in counties, like Lincoln, which do not have a county auditor.However, to assist such counties in meeting federal audit requirements, the State Auditor will also provide a financial and compliance audit of various county operating funds every two years.This voluntary service to Missouri counties can only be provided when state auditing resources are available and it does not interfere with the State Auditor's constitutional responsibility of auditing state government.

Once every four years, the State Auditor's statutory audit will cover additional areas of county operations, as well as the elected county officials, as required by Missouri's Constitution.

This audit of Lincoln County included additional areas of county operations, as well as the elected county officials.The following concerns were noted as part of the audit:

On May 15, 2001, the Missouri Supreme Court handed down an opinion that holds that all raises given pursuant to this statute section are unconstitutional. Based on the Supreme Court decision, the raises given to each of the Associate County Commissioners, totaling approximately $19,980 for the three years ended December 31, 2000, should be repaid.

The County Collector did not correctly compute Proposition C commissions and fees withheld from property taxes for the Elsberry R-II School District.As a result, approximately $10,000 was over withheld from this district and deposited to the General Revenue and Assessment Funds.This amount should be reimbursed to the Elsberry R-II School District and future Proposition C ratios should be computed correctly.

Also included in the audit are recommendations related to budgetary procedures, fixed assets records and procedures, and computer operations and controls.The audit also suggested improvements in the accounting controls and procedures of the Circuit Clerk and Prosecuting Attorney.

Complete Audit Report

Missouri State Auditor's Office