Auditor Seal


Office of the State Auditor of Missouri
Claire McCaskill


July 8, 2002

Report No. 2002-50

The following problems were discovered as a result of an audit conducted by our office of the City of Hurdland, Missouri.

Our review of the city's sewer records and procedures disclosed several concerns including: 

        Supporting documentation or an independent approval of customer removals from the sewer billing system was not always retained.

Our audit noted various appointments and questionable transactions between the City of Hurdland and various board member's family, or their family corporations or businesses.

Because of the serious consequences which result by hiring a relative, the board should ensure its members abstain from any decisions to hire a relative and ensure that action is fully documented in the board minutes.In addition, the board should consider establishing a policy which addresses these types of situations and provides a code of conduct for city officials. 

Also included in the audit are recommendations related to expenditures, board meetings and records, budgets, road maintenance planning, published financial statements, ordinances, accounting controls and policies, restricted revenues, property records, and other sewer operating procedures.

Complete Audit Report

Missouri State Auditor's Office