Click the link below to search the political subdivision financial reports.
Search Political Subdivision Financial Reports
105.145 RSMo requires certain political subdivisions to file a financial
report with the State Auditor's office.
Each year, approximately 3,000 political subdivisions are sent a letter
reminding them of this statutory requirement.
Each political subdivision's last report filed as of January 1, 2015, is
available (if the report was filed within the last 5 years). In addition, every
financial report filed since January 1, 2015, is also available online. Older
financial statements could be available and may be requested by contacting our
office. All future filings will be scanned and available on the website within 3
to 5 business days of being received by the SAO.
If there is no recent financial report for your requested political subdivision
one has not been received by the SAO for any of the last 5 reporting year
The State Auditor's Office provides a financial report form for use by local
government officials. Click on the links below to access the form, which is
available in either Excel or PDF format.
Excel financial report form (Right click on this link and select Save Target As... to save a copy to your hard drive)
PDF financial report form